Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Summer is finally here and we are just starting to slow down. Max took swim lessons and absolutely loved it. We were fortunate enough to find a friend through church that happens to be a physical therapy student to get Max comfortable in the pool. She also incorporated physical therapy activities to help with Max's overall strength. It was a great combination and we are working on continuing with lessons throughout the summer. Max was out of breath quite a bit, but it didn't stop him from wanting to do more.

Max's sats are slowly starting to trend down. In the month of May it seemed like he was suffering from some sort of virus that was causing him to be breathless and his O2 to drop. But after he recovered from the virus his O2 never came back up. He was holding steady at around 85% oxygen and now he's down to about 77%. Our pediatrician has discussed all of this with the cardiologist and they have decided to move forward with presenting Max's case and setting a surgery date. He will hopefully be presented next Monday and we will know a surgery date. The cardiologist said that it probably will not be in July, so we'll see.

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